
Matlab audiodevice
Matlab audiodevice

When frequency at which your data was sampled doesn't match any of sampling frequencies supported by your sound card, you need to (up/down)sample it to have it played with the "correct" speed and pitch. The Audio Device Reader block reads audio samples using your computers audio device. Available devices and sampling frequencies which they support can be checked using function audiodevinfo. Use one of the sampling frequencies supported by your sound card. It's not strange then that with sampling frequency of 256Hz you get the error.

matlab audiodevice

This parameter is automatically populated based on the audio devices installed on your system. Use the Device parameter to specify the device from which to acquire audio. This block is not supported for use with the Simulink Model block. Instead, if info returns a struct with available outputs for audio (non-empty), you should be able to play the audio using audioplayer object. The From Audio Device block reads audio data from an audio device in real time.


MATLAB has a hard restriction of 1000 Hz <= Fs <= 384000 Hz, although further hardware-dependent restrictions apply. Update all your drivers or disable devices one at a time and restart MATLAB and try audiodevinfo to figure out if one or more devices has a possible faulty driver. Valid values depend on both the sample rates permitted by MATLAB® and the specific audio hardware on your system.

matlab audiodevice

If you look into documentation of soundsc:įs: Sample rate, in hertz, of audio data y, is specified as a positive number from 1000 through 384000.

Matlab audiodevice