
Wiiware and yet it moves
Wiiware and yet it moves

wiiware and yet it moves

Level Goal: A sheet of paper with a hole cut out just your size.Heroic Mime: The protagonist doesn't speak anything in the entire game.Gravity Screw: The whole game, since you actively change gravity to progress.Expy: The protagonist bears a striking resemblence to Fido Dido, a similar paper-borne animated character popular in the early 90s.Directionally Solid Platforms: They literally disappear when you approach from a different direction.Death Is a Slap on the Wrist: You're just sent back to the last checkpoint you passed if you rip.Checkpoint: In the form of semi-transparent versions of yourself that point the way to the next one.They are much harder than the main levels. Brutal Bonus Level: Once you complete the game, you can play extra levels.

#Wiiware and yet it moves download

If you're interested in trying it out, you can download a demo version here.

wiiware and yet it moves

Tsugh! The Steam version only allows 90 degree angle rotations while the WiiWare version uses motion controls to finely rotate at any angle. Pay attention, 'cause if you fall too far you break.

wiiware and yet it moves

Gameplay centers around rotating the world, changing gravity in order to overcome gaps and walls. The protagonist is a little paper doodle man who navigates a paper world. And Yet it Moves is a puzzle platformer developed by Broken Rules.

Wiiware and yet it moves